Monday, April 29, 2013

➸ Arm Guard ➸

Picture of a lady wearing an arm guard while shooting her bow
Picture of a lady using an arm guard while shooting her bow
➸ Arm Guard ➸

This is a leather or synthetic pad that is worn on the inside of the forearm of the bow hand. This is to protect the arm from the slap of the bow string on release.

As seen here, there are many different designs of arm guards, some even have camouflage to better suit the hunter using his bow out in the field.

It's always prefered to use arm guards whenever possible because the slap of the bow string can often cause skin irritation to light burns depending on the user and bow used.

Camo style Arm Guard used for safety while using bows for hunters
Camo style Arm Guard used for safety while using bows for hunters